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Buyer and Logistics Analyst in my early day I transferred to an IT role in the 80s while learning SQL and Cobol. In the 90's I became a DBA and Team Leader in an FMCG role specialising in Purchasing, Logistics and Manufacturing control. In the early 2000 I decided to learn new technologies and related languages including HTML, CSS, PHP, JS and more. Becoming self employed from 2004 I developed and learned many many other skills. I am at heart an Engineer. Today I am still learning but that now includes music technology, piano and guitar. I also have a strong interest in Electronics and new technologies.

Blackhat Forum


BlackHatWorld (BHW) is an online forum primarily focused on internet marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), and related digital marketing topics. It is a community where marketers, developers, and entrepreneurs discuss… Read More »BlackHatWorld

WordPress without limits image that just reinforces my desire to get everything I can from a WordPress site


For now you are viewing my website in one WP Theme style. You’re viewing one WP theme, there are many hundreds to choose from. WordPress is versatile. There is nothing… Read More »WordPress


In-depth Overview of CSS What is CSS? CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in HTML or XML. It controls… Read More »CSS